Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I purchased the iPhone 4 today. It looked so easy when the kids use it but I'm already lost. What I wouldn't give to have a teenager around!
I can't get the wireless to work, can't do emails and the serial # is so small I'm not sure I'm reading it right.

You know your getting old when....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sometimes well-meaning friends stand by and attempt to comfort by saying things like: " At least he didn't suffer" or "Trust in God". These comments are meant to comfort you, but they are meaningless at this time because your pain is too great.

Understand that they don't really know your pain unless they themselves are widows. They are trying the best they can to comfort you and that's what matters.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Discouraging feelings keep you thinking about what you can't do instead of what you can do.
Don't listen to that gloomy inner voice.
We all have a choice and can change our inner voice. Take one step at a time and think of what positive things you have in your life. It's easy to get discouraged about all aspects of your life when your grieving. Journey from grieving to healing by being good to yourself.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dancing keeps you physical fit, offers protection against dementia and it’s lots of fun.
It’s an activity that has – physical, mental and social benefits. Locally, call Peter Milburn at 849-0442 for classes starting in the fall.

It will help you make split-second decisions, has stress reduction benefits and makes you feel like part of a community.

Find a class close to you and join up – you will be glad you did!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How long does a person wear their wedding ring after their spouse has died? Some take it off in the second year and some never take it off. Perhaps one of the decision makers is if you want to start dating again. It's been almost four years and I'm not ready to remove my ring.

It gives me comfort but maybe it's a sign that I'm not ready to move on. What do the ladies out there think about this?

Monday, July 18, 2011

There is one sure way to know if a book is a good read and that is if you pass it on to your friends when your done with it.

Paula, from Portage La Prairie in Manitoba wrote: " Thank you for sharing @ convention + for writing. I've read it + have 3 friends that I've passed it on to."

It means a lot to me when my book gets passed around to others. That action speaks out about how the book is filling a need.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The fear of loving and losing another partner may prevent some from loving again. It can take time to risk being emotionally attached again. Take your time with a new relationship because dating too soon (and only you can judge that) may be nothing more than you trying to fill that emptiness in your heart.

First learn to love yourself and then move on to a healthy new relationship, but only if and when your ready.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

As you go through your grief process you may notice that churches can be very family oriented. It's hard to watch other women with their husbands and so you may stop going. But this can cause even more separation and loneliness in your life.

Take time to adjust to this new life because it's also a spiritual journey which reflects our faith.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tips to get you to enjoy some healthy alone time:
1. Take some time for yourself.
2. Spend time with people you really enjoy.
3. Sign up for activities just for you.
4. Stop withdrawing into your home and get out.
5. Don't try to find love just to avoid being lonely.
6. Realize that you have to do some activities by yourself or ask a friend.
7. Self Talk - "I'm not letting my loneliness affect my behavior".

Monday, July 11, 2011

Link to my memory pictures off
Here is a link to my memory pictures:
Your emotions swing like a pendulum, from one extreme to another. Looking for ways to avoid this loneliness, you may become a “busyholic”, never stopping. That way your grief can’t catch up to you.

If this is you, then you are running from yourself. Eventually you will get tired, slow down and accept your alone time. Then you will be ready to value yourself and move on to people and things you really enjoy.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

There are times in your life when someone goes out of their way to help you. Louise Romikat -Royal Bank at Lansdowne, Saint John 632-0780 supported my passion for helping other widows. She has a great sense of humor and helped me to get the best plans for both my business and personal life. It couldn't get any better, thank you Louise.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

For almost four years Donnie's golf clubs and chain saw have been stored in that shed. It isn't like I'm ever going to use them, but letting them go was hard. You would think that it would get easier but it doesn't. It feels as if a little bit of Donnie disappears every time I give away something of his. My mind tells me that it's time to let these things go, but my heart is still saddened.

Monday, July 4, 2011

To be a good friend you need to be able to receive loving care as well as give it. The essence of friendship is having a friend to work through your disappointments and help you get back in balance.

You can ask your friend for support, and at the same time expect to give support as they need it. There's a mutual respect, love and understanding that we get from our friendships, so cherish each and every one.
The July newsletter is coming out this week and it has part 2 to our memory articles. Please pass it along to those you care about.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Have Faith - It doesn’t have to be a religious thing, but when you’re all alone you need something to hold onto. Because you don’t see God, you have to believe by faith. I know God is real because he answers my prayers, although not always the way I thought he would. Oh well, that’s life and I believe God has a plan. Sometimes I think it’s on a need to know bases and he thinks I don’t need to know until later. That is probably just as well.