Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Free Newsletter of Tips and Advise

September newsletter has a great article from The Karuna Project written by Claudia Coenen.

The second article is from a widow who tells her story in “Soldier on – Overcoming Grief” by Enid Stronach.

This is going to be another amazing newsletter so please go to my website and sign up for it.

You will get all issues sent to your email for Free.

29,200 Days

If you live to be 80 years old you will have lived 29,200 days.   Every one of us who lives till 80, even the most successful people you know, have exactly the same amount of time.  Many of us invest a great amount of our time “commodity” in rehearsing our past, cursing a circumstance, nursing a problem, or fueling resentment.
If we aren’t careful we may spend our time doing just that.
Spent time is forever gone – please don’t waste your most precious possession.
Don’t wait until your told that your days are limited to start respecting their value.  Do something for yourself or someone else every day.  Every day thank God you woke up and can talk / walk / smile and live, because every day there are those that aren’t as fortunate.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Don't Waste The Pain

In a curious way that phrase can result in  calming your mind and spirit.  Don’t waste the pain – is a profound insight that pain was not given to be merely miserable with but to learn from it and let it motivate you to action.

History shows us that great strengths are discovered in the the depths of pain, not in the midst of joy.  Let pain drive you to create, to be worthy of life.  The greatest power we have is the power of choice.  
Choose happiness over unhappiness, positive over negative and not let it drive you into despair and bitterness.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Your Grief Journey

When you lose someone you love you go on a journey of grief.  At first your unbalanced and stumble along.  You may even fall as the path is uneven, dark and unknown to you.
As time passes you will get more balanced with friends and family willing to help you. The path will become more even and you will be able to look back to where you started and see how far you have come.
Then one day you will realize that you haven’t fallen in a while and that you can see into the distance.  You realize that your grief journey has changed and you are now on the path of healing.
Later, much later, you will be able to go back and help others who are just starting their own grief journey.This will be part of your own healing and will be a blessing to those who need your guidance.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Does Flaxseed Help Protect Against Cancer?
Lately I've been thinking about my health and how cancer can sneak up on anyone, even me. Flaxseed delivers a concentrated dose of fiber, has generous amounts of potassium, magnesium, antioxidants, and even mimics estrogen. I can put it on cereal, sprinkle it on salads or bake it into breads or treats. There is evidence that it fights cancer and that’s good enough for me.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

In the Fall I will have more then 12 new products on my website.

Downloadable mp3/ CD's of interviews.

Downloadable mp3/CD called "The First Year"

Downloadable mp3/CD called "Holidays and Special Occasions"

A workbook "How To Grieve and Heal"

Plus other downloadable mp3's and CD's available as they are produced.

These products helped me and I know that they will help other widows to grieve and heal.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August Newsletter -A great month of resources so please sign-up to get it for free at

I wrote an article about and the 3 Guides they give away for free.

Thanks to Judy Herzog-Chmiefarz for her article "Insist On Your Dreams" and Gala Reitz for her article "Grieve To Heal Girlfriend Getaways".

Monday, August 1, 2011

I've made great progress on my new iPhone4. I got some help and itunes free apps became my best friend. I even skype my friend in San Diego!