Monday, May 28, 2012

Most Widows have a Gut Instinct

Follow your gut instinct for what you want and for what’s best for you.  There is a lot of stuff going on after the death of your spouse, but you know what feels right.

You know that funerals are for the living so they can pay their respects, drop off some flowers, a donation or a card.  But if that’s not what you and your spouse had planned than follow your gut and go where your instinct leads you.

After the funeral everyone goes back to what they were doing – back to their “normal” lives while your life is never going to be “normal” as you knew it.

Widows are often detached with a sense of unreality as they go through the funeral and sometimes the only thing they have to lean on is their gut instinct.  Take a few moments before making any decisions and ask yourself “is this right for me?” and then follow your gut instinct.

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