I’ve met people with every expensive toy that money can buy that are living proof that “money can’t buy happiness”. On the other hand people in some countries have a lightness of spirit and an easy friendliness who are living on the bare minimum with no extra comforts.
What makes a person happy? Certainly in our county having no money can be a strain on happiness. But my bank account shouldn’t be the meter to my happiness. I want to find a way to enjoy my life no matter where I am or what I’m doing.
Looking around I see happy people who are not famous and rich. Some are married, some are single. Some with lots of money and some without a dime. Some are healthy and some very sick. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to what makes a person happy.
Here are some tips to the pathway of happiness:
- Take ownership of your happiness.
- Do what you love.
- Love your body – you only get one.
- Live, really live and not just exist.
- Nourish the relationships in your life.
So I ask you “Can a person actually be happy for no reason?” and “Does Money buy happiness?”
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