Sunday, November 24, 2013

Resource For Widows

Inside “The Sisterhood of Widows”  you will find sixteen widows to assist you in healing. These widows will really open your eyes to where you stand and may even help you getunstuck if you feel stuck or stagnant in your life right now.
Here’s the problem – most widows make their decisions without much thought.  In fact, most sort of stumble into their life while it’s never been easier than it is today to get up and choose a new environment.
You need to take charge of your life and start planning for a future that is totally different than what you had hoped for.
As far as the people you choose to surround yourself with, well, some of them may not agree with your decisions. And new relationships may come into your life.  Not easy to hear, but often the reality.  And the place you choose to live and work, that’s easier to fix than you may think. You can live or do business virtually anywhere today.
Your biggest change was the loss of your husband, after that you can handle anything that comes your way.
All of these are often times just decisions.  Nothing more – nothing less.  It’s the meaning we attach to the decisions that often cripple us the most, not the decisions themselves…
So take the leap.  Get the book, The Sisterhood of Widows, learn from other widows and start to heal.

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