“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” Napoleon Hill
We are starting a new year and with it comes the chance to do things differently.
It is very simple to do and will produce very profound results. Every evening find a few quiet minutes by yourself. Take a few deep breaths and ask yourself the following questions:
- What did I want that I did not ask for today?
- Who could have helped me if I had asked?
- Where could I have gone for help?
See yourself doing it the way you would have liked to have done it had you not been to shy, frightened, prideful or defensive to ask. You will be surprised at how powerful you will feel as you imagine yourself actually asking for and receiving what you want.
Don’t wait for the perfect moment because it will never come. To create change you have to seek it out and make a daily ritual of seeing what you want and taking steps to get it.
It’s not always about big changes so don’t let fear stop you from asking for what you want.
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