Friday, February 6, 2015

Make Your Home Happier

When we are grieving nothing appeals to us and our empty home just highlights our loneliness.

Sprucing up our home by making little changes can lighten our outlook on life. A soothing space also allows you to be more creative and happy.

I found that having a messy house made me more anxious, like I had a lot of unfinished things I should be doing. So now I’m cleaning up before I go out – a made bed makes me feel happier????

Painting my rooms in warmer colors also makes me feel better and I find it calming.

Another great idea to try out is building a vision board of things that I want to see and do that has positive energy attached to them.

Don’t do a lot of changes at once because that can just add to your stress. Planning is half the fun so enjoy making your home happier one project at a time.

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