Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Are You Ready To Move Forward?

As a widow ages, she may want to remain in her own home because of her memories.  But for many, their declining health may make that impossible.

Moving from the home you shared with your husband to a new place is never easy and a widow may not even be sure if a move is the right thing to do.

You don’t have to be old and sick before you make the decision to move.  Many widows move because they want a smaller place with less maintenance.  Others move because it will provide a more social environment or make their financial life a little easier.

The last thing you want to deal with is another major change in your life, so don’t take this step until you are ready.

Some signs that you may be ready to move:
  • The house is less kept up and maintenance isn’t being done.
  • Expenses for heat, taxes and insurance are hard to pay.
  • Too many steps make it difficult to get around the house.
  • It’s hard to keep the outside walkways shoveled in the winter.
  • You don’t have a social life or see many people.
  • The house feels empty and too lonely for one person.
  • You are thinking more and more about moving to a smaller place.
You can talk this over with friends and family but remember that the decision is not reversible so the time to move has to be when it feels right for you.

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