Monday, February 20, 2012

A Widow's Clutter

Having a lot of things stuffed in boxes in the garage and closets will create negative energy in our lives. Eliminating the clutter will free us of always thinking about it and just doing it. One of the most important areas to clean up is your entry way into your home. It’s no fun to walk into a home and face piles of stuff and you can’t even see any floor space. Ask yourself if its useful, do you really like it and does it reflect your new life.

If its your husband’s stuff don’t do anything with it till some time has passed and your ready. But don’t hold on to all his stuff for years and years. There are some things that should always be kept for memories but old tools, clothes and big boy toys should go unless you use them yourself.

This might be a good time to get some uplifting and inspiring art for your walls. Surround yourself with objects from nature and plants with bright colors to liven up your home. It can be fun to take charge of some easy remodeling and painting. It will give you a boost to clean out a room and rebuild it with fresh paint, new artwork and less clutter.

It may take energy you don’t feel like you have but just getting up and doing this as a project will make you feel like your accomplishing something. That feeling will help you move on to the next project and give you something positive to plan for.

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