For the next two weeks I’m going to do a series of articles on self-care just for Widows.
My focus is to help you put your self-care above anything else – to say no when necessary , to choose to spend your time and energy on things that bring you joy and to make decisions on what you want instead of what others expect from you. As women this is a challenging goal but as widows it’s more than a goal, it is a necessary part of your journey.
Self-care may seem selfish and maybe even offensive at first. Yet, as you start to care for yourself in a more positive mindset you will discover that a Divine force will support you and your life will start to lighten up. None of us can travel this grief journey on our own. We need our friends, family and of course all the spiritually help we can get.
When you are committed to taking extremely good care of yourself, you are saying that you have value. I believe that God helps us in spite of our fears and discomfort but only if we are willing to make the choice to honor ourselves. So over the next two weeks let’s shake up our lives and start self-care.
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