Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Widows- How Are you Doing?

Checklist – How Are You Doing?

Please answer these questions honestly and consider how far you have come in your grief journey:

·        I have given myself permission to grieve when I need to.
·        I am expressing my grief and not burying it inside me.
·        I have more physical and emotional energy than I did at the start.
·        I am not as depressed and I can concentrate.
·        I no longer feel like crying most of the time.
·        I can control my emotional moods.
·        I can sleep all night without taking any sleep aids.
·        My appetite is back to normal and my weight has stabilized.
·        I no longer go mindlessly through my day.
·        I have outgrown the feeling that I am losing my mind.
·        I am beginning to be more sociable.
·        I feel emotionally alive rather than emotionally dead.
·        I understand the grief process and the stages of grief.
·        I know that I need to grieve and I'm comfortable talking about my feelings.

You need to work through your grief and I hope that you were able to check off some items on the above list.  Remember it is a journey and it does take time.

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