Females have always needed other females to socialize with and it starts before we even begin school. There is something powerful about the connection women have with each other that is healing in times of sorrow.
I just got back from a day bus trip with over 40 other women and what a time we had. We got started at 7:00 am and didn't get back till 10:00 pm. We did nothing but eat, shop and laugh all day. I'm exhausted from the marathon shopping and I couldn't be happier. All that laughter charges up the soul and nothing heals better than good times with our women friends.
This trip was a fund raiser for Cancer Research and many of the women on the bus were cancer survivors. I'm here to tell you they were the worst in the group for practical jokes, fun stories and all around having fun. They know how valuable life is and although they have struggled and some still are, they don't let it hold them back from enjoying life.
These women can teach us all a valuable lesson just by example and I have to say I came away with a lighter step and better appreciation of life after spending time with them.
Next time we do this trip I'm going to round up some of the ladies from "Chicks Night Out" group to come with me. We have so much fun in our monthly get together that I know everyone will enjoy this day trip. So watch out, because next time there will be even more good friends to share the fun with.
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