Our emotions are heightened when we are grieving and that creates alot of stress on the body. There have been several studies that show that grievers have a higher rate of visits to doctors and are hospitalized more often. Sadly grievers have a 300% above average incidences of bowel cancer and they have higher incidences of death.
Grief is the trigger that tells the brain that an enemy is out there and the body goes into emergency status. Blood pressure elevates, the heart pumps faster, acid builds up in the stomach, the body is so focused on fighting this stress that the white blood cell production decreases to give the body the energy it needs.
Grief causes illness because our normal defense system is weakened. We are physically vulnerable, especially if our grief is severe over a long period of time.
Be aware of this danger and seek some relief from the harsh stress you are under. Seek out support and help from other widows, your doctor or from professional counselors. Don’t let your grief take your health from you.
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