As a widow it’s not where I am but where I’m going that counts.
When I went from being a wife to being a widow I had to define myself and get rebalanced. I didn’t know where I fit in. My future, as I had planned it, was gone and my new future was grey and empty.
I had to take ownership of my life – define myself based on everything I loved and cared about. That wasn’t as easy as it sounds because back then I didn’t love or care about anything as I was stuck in my grief. It’s almost impossible to be in control without knowing yourself. Everyone will define you as they see you and not as you truly are. What’s important is that you define the person you want to be.
Work on the core of who you are and not the outside factors that the world sees. You are not your “family” – “a wife”- “a mother” – “a sister” – “a daughter” – “specific race” – “what you own” etc.
I learned that what I focused on expanded and that was where my power to heal was. I started focusing on the things I loved having in my life – family, friends, my health, other widows, the cottage and working on “The Sisterhood of Widows”. Instead of focusing on what I no longer had I focused on my passions.
I was in a negative place back in those early days of grief and I knew I had to pull myself out of it. It all came to a head when I went on a Valentine’s cruise that Donnie and I had planned. Of course I was in denial but I didn’t know it then. A week on that couple cruise as a single was my wakeup call that something had to change.
When I got home I purchased lots of DVD’s and CD’s on goal setting – creating a vision for what I wanted in my life and filling my spirit with positive not negative energy. I watched hours and hours of those DVD’s night after night and as I slowly started focusing on making a new life for myself I started to come alive with a passion to help others.
I was well into my second year before I learned that I needed to focus on the positive things in my life. I hope that you read this message earlier on your journey so that you can start on the path of healing by focusing on the things you love.
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