Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Do Their Opinions Really Matter?

Often we don’t even realize who we are meant to be because we let the opinions of others affect us.
We need to hold fast to the thought that other people and their opinions hold only the power that we give them.  So, don’t give your power away and instead pursue your dreams and goals.
I want to help widows think differently about their future and to regain their balance .  Travel your grief journey and come out with the ability to “take the high road” where other people’s opinion don’t really matter.
You may know how it hurts when people offer their opinions without thought as to how it will affect you.  Use this experience to be careful when you start offering your own opinions.
Everyone has the right to travel their own path and unless they ask for advise or are in serious danger it’s best to let them grow and learn at their own pace.
So – do their opinions really matter?  ”Yes” if you let it and “No” if you can take it as a gift from someone who cares and then move on.

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