Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Release Your Sadness

It’s ok to cry – in fact crying is a great way to release some of your sadness.

So, pick a time when no one is around and let yourself be sad.  And let it be ok to really feel sorry for yourself.  I think we all hold these feelings inwards when in fact they should be expressed.

You need to take the time to understand your grief and have compassion for yourself.  Allow yourself the grace of grieving, as you would allow for someone else.

Keep to your time limit,  it is a safe place to release your emotions and yet the conscious mind will know that this concentrated sadness is only for a time.

One of the most common emotional diseases of this century is caused when normal grief turns into depression because sadness was not released.

Discover your own unique truth by letting your sadness have its time.  

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