How does a person define “Healing”? It can mean different things at different times in our lives. I think it is an ongoing process, a journey that has no real end.
Healing has a crooked path with a lot of ups and downs. One day your doing great, the next your sad and then the third day it’s hard just to get out of bed. Then something good happens, and you’re back on your feet again. Or maybe you have a hard morning and a great afternoon – that’s the grief and healing journey. In fact – that’s life!
No one gets out of this life without trials, pain and loss. The ultimate in life is to continue to heal and reach out to others. Be the best mother, daughter and friend you can be. It’s the only life you have, so work to find your path and make the future into something you are proud of.
Leave your family and friends with fond memories of their times with you because life isn’t lived in a vacuum. We affect others by our actions, just like others have an affect on us. I find the subject of whether or not a person is healing to be very complex. It’s usually not black or white and the results can not always be seen on the surface. But one thing is for sure – each person has control of their own journey.
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