Thursday, September 27, 2012

Grief Shakes You To The Core

Grief - I found that it shakes you to the core. It shocks you literally out of your body and it creates such turmoil of emotions that that you feel like you are in the eye of a hurricane.

I had thought that my faith would help me bear my pain. But I discovered that such was not the case and that all I could do was surrender to the grief and pain. Just as a physical injury takes time to heal th
is emotional pain has to take time to subside. I was alone, even as I was surrounded by family and friends, and I had to do my own individual grieving.

Looking back now, I have begun to understand that my spiritual journey was put to the greatest test by the death of Donnie. I have also realized that I still have a way to go in my quest for understanding. Every pain, every ache, every discomfort becomes part of who I am. I discovered that grieving upon the death of a loved one is part of life. Such grief is natural, and points the way to compassion and kindness.

It took time to get to this point in my journey and I have had my share of tears and loneliness. After some of the grief had subsided, after the wounds had healed, I was able to find myself. Even more important, I now have a much better understanding of what I want in life. I’m happy to say that my faith has not been weakened by being vulnerable to human experiences, emotions and feelings.

What is your experience with grief and where are you on your own journey?

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