Friday, September 28, 2012

Getting Up When You're Feeling Down

Well, it’s that time of year again, when holidays are starting and everyone is talking about being thankful and grateful. The holiday season starts with Thanksgiving Day and goes through till New Year’s Day. Being thankful is a positive way to attract more situations and experiences to feel thankful for.

But . . . what if . . . you don’t feel particularly th
ankful right now? What if, like so many other widows, you’re having a difficult time and are feeling sad?

Along comes Thanksgiving with all of its added pressures and family obligations and you’re faced with all those “grateful” people telling you to count your blessings.

“Bah, humbug!” you say, “If you lost your loved one like I did you would not be so smiley.”

So how do you handle the holidays when you would rather just stay home and be left alone?

Read the full article by clicking on the link below:

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