Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Grief is Natural and Normal

Why is that when we suffer a significant loss others are quick to express an opinion on how long we should grieve?

To grieve is normal – there will be anger, hurt, guilt, emptiness, sadness, helplessness and loneliness. An abnormal grief would be the refusal to feel all these necessary feelings. We need to let all the feelings come to the surface, expressing them is a process that helps us to reach the reality of our loss.

Grief work is difficult as we learn to live in the present with things as they are. Even though we have lost our loved ones we still need to hold on to our memories while at the same time detaching from our grief to make room for the present.

There are many people around who will help us if we only reach out. On the other hand there are those that want you to “move on” way before you are ready. Search out the right group of people to be with and don’t let anyone rush you on your grief journey.

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