Friday, January 16, 2015

Treat Yourself With Kindness

Life is not about perfection. Grief can easily turn into depression and so if today all you did was get out of the house than you are doing great.

Love, appreciate and accept yourself just the way you are. It takes time to switch from being a wife to being single so don’t rush your journey.

Sift through all the misinformation and high-pressure talk to move on and be an independent thinker. Be responsible for your health and keep your eye on future wellness. You know better than anyone that you have only one body to live this life in, so treat it with the care and respect it deserves.
It can be difficult to change old habits, and new habits take time to cultivate. You are worth putting the time and effort into. :-)

Wishing for change is not the same as making it happen. Do what you need to do because if not now, when? Remember to be kind to yourself as you make these changes. If you treat yourself with kindness than others will follow your example. If on the other hand you don’t treat yourself well than others will follow the example you set.

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