There are times when we get too caught up in doing – in accomplishing tasks and we forget to pay attention to our real needs. By trying to keep everything under control we get even more anxious and tired.
Frenetic activities drain our energy and leave us feeling physically tired and emotionally numb. Unfortunately, there is no connection between working harder and accomplishing more. We use activity for the sake of being busy while in fact we need to also take time to play, to relax and to find our place.
Some signs of the workaholic:
- Staying late on the job
- Working on the weekends
- Always too busy
- Eats too fast
- Feels responsible to do everything
- Lonely
Alternatives to Compulsive Busyness:
- Go for a walk
- Dance in your living to your favorite tunes
- Read a good book
- Take a long bath with lots of bubbles
- Plant a garden
- Learn to play an instrument
- Go to a movie with a friend
- Play with your children/grandchildren
- Go for a drive – exploring new areas
- Call an old friend
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