Sunday, September 22, 2013

I Don't Know What To Say

We all know someone who has lost a loved one or who has just been diagnosed with a terminal illness.  You think “What am I going to say?” or “How am I going to say it?”
The funny thing is that as soon as you hear their voice, your connection kicks in, and your conversation will flow as it always has.  You have a relationship, a past that includes memories, friends and shared experiences.
You will be so glad that you picked up the phone and just called.  It can be as easy as just saying “I’m sorry it took me so long to call, but I didn’t know what to say”.  That’s all you have to say because they will just be happy to hear from you.  Don’t be afraid that you won’t get it right – is there even a “right” way to say things!
My own experiences have led me to determine that they need someone to talk to, offers of assistance and sincere expressions of caring.  You can cook, shop, arrange for a girls day out, etc. to give them more time for healing.  Use your creativity to figure out what they need because sometimes words aren’t even necessary.  A look, a hug, a touch or just being there can say it all.

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