The human spirit can survive pain, loss, death and taxes and life goes on… and on.
My encouraging words to all those that I meet is to develop a sense of humor to carry you through the hard days. Without one, you are doomed to despair but with one you can survive.
You need to free up your sense of joy so it can pull you through the rough days when nothing else is working for you. MAKE yourself look for joyful things.
Get yourself a “Joy box” (shoe box will do) and start today to collect things that are fun, cute and inspiring. A really funny movie, a cute saying, a funny quote, pictures of fun times with friends and more. They will help you to enjoy that you are here and that you are physically and mentally able to soak up life’s small gems of fun.
We have all fallen into the black pit of grief but we have earned the right to enjoy- the right back into living again. This isn’t for your job, your friends or your family – this is strictly your time. I know that at first these are just words and there is no way that you can see any joy in your future, a future totally different than you had planned with your loved one but time softens the pain and life goes on.
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