Saturday, September 14, 2013

What Will Your Legacy Be?

When I come across some snippet of information that interests me I copy or cut it out and stick it in a folder where it resides – a reminder of something that I might want to remember in the future. Every so often I rummage through the file folder just to see what is there.
Today I found an interesting article that asked “What will your legacy be?” and it got me thinking.   I started thinking about my everyday life, how I was going to live it and how I was going to contribute to the lives of others.
“What is your legacy going to be?”  What an awesome question!  I think the question asks what actions are we going to take to set a lasting example for our friends and family and what do we leave behind for others who follow?
Consider for a moment what you would like your legacy to be.  Then realize every decision we make, every thing we say, every action we take affects our legacy.
Sometimes those decisions are based on short-term necessity when dealing with the pressure of the moment, but it is wise to stop and take a deep breath before making decisions and consider for a moment that question, “What will your legacy be?”

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