After years of watching my weight go up and down, I think I’ve figured out what the hunger is about.
It’s about missing my old life – it’s about walking around hungry for an elusive something, and missing that very thing that could fill my need.
I know this sounds odd, but I’ve found that I can fill my hunger by “showing up” and being present in my life. When I take the time to enjoy my life, I feel that all of me is living, instead of my mind being off in several different directions at the same time.
Every day, we open our eyes, get out of bed, eat breakfast, brush our teeth and start the day. And most of the time our minds are somewhere, anywhere but where we are. We spend our lives, every day and every minute, thinking about what we already did or are going to do and we completely miss what we are doing.
This lack of attention gave me a tremendous spiritual hunger that I couldn’t quite put a name to. I fooled myself into thinking that it was something I didn’t yet do, while it was right there in front of me. I kept on thinking that the next big thing – the job, the car, the perfect pair of shoes, the fancy meal out – and I would be filled and contented.
Over and over I found that filling the hunger isn’t about acquiring more things, looking at the past or the future; it’s about noticing what I already have and the person I have already become.
So if eating and shopping and planning will not fill my hunger, how can I be present in my life as it is, and let it fill my needs? Good question, I say. And it is.
So, what I do know is that what feeds my hunger will not necessarily feed yours. So I can not answer these questions for you because only you can seek out what will fill your needs.
For me I’ve found that my hunger does not overcome me when I spend time doing the things I enjoy doing and sharing my precious moments with people that feed my spirit of fun and enjoyment. Negative people have a way of robbing me of my balance and starving me. I’ve learned that the more time I spend with positive people the more fulfilled I am and I don’t feel hungry; mentally, physically or spiritually.
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