It’s just a few days from Christmas and I’m enjoying my Christmas tree. I wasn’t planning on putting up a tree – after all its just me and it seemed like alot of work. But my daughter thought I should have one and came over to help me decorate it. Funny thing is that I enjoy sitting and watching the lights every night as the Christmas music plays far more than I thought I would.
I guess that sometimes it takes someone else to know what is best for us. I will be going to spend Christmas with my son and family so I thought it was unnecessary. But now I can’t help thinking how bare and sad my place would seem without that beautifully lit up tree. I know it was work sitting it up and it will seem like even more work taking it all down but I’m glad that Angela got me to do it.
Even though I am living alone, I am not alone. I have lots of great friends and family and that is the difference. That is way I don’t have to think “lonely” but need instead to think “blessed” and enjoy the season.
I hope you also decorated your home and bless your own family with your love for them. Merry Christmas from my home to yours.